There are all sorts of accessories for your car out there, but one you shouldn’t live without is a bumper protector, which will protect your car from dents, dings, and paint scratches, and lower your risk of receiving whiplash from a fender bender. Below is an in-depth guide to installing a bumper protector onto your car.


There are 3 types of bumper protectors: plastic foam pads or guards, rubber pads, and bumpers shaped like vertical bars. You should start by doing some research to help you figure out what type of bumper protector will work best on your vehicle. The plastic foam and vertical bar are the best bumper protectors because they offer more protection by absorbing more shock than plastic pads or guards during a fender bender. Plastic guards should only be used when your car is parked, because they are more susceptible to damage.

The next step you should take is to study the safety regulations so you will know the speeds bumper protectors need to be able to withstand on the corners of the car and over the width of the bumper during a rear collision. The typical speeds are 1 mile per hour for corners and 2 miles per hour for the width of the bumper.  You will also need certain tools to ensure installation goes smoothly. This usually includes a couple of bumper protectors, gloves, a pencil or crayon, alcohol wipes, masking tape, a level, and a bumper guard cutter.


The first thing you will need to do is park your car in a space with good lighting. In cooler weather, do the installation in a garage. If you don’t have access to a garage, then use a drop cord and provide heat to the surface with a blow dryer. Wash your bumper, and when dry, wipe with an alcohol wipe to remove oil, dirt, and excess debris. This will allow the film to adhere more easily to the bumper. Use attach guides to make sure the protector is installed evenly. You can do this by applying masking tape from one end of the bumper to the other in a straight line. Use a level to check if the tape is even. Make adjustments as necessary.

Next, slowly peel the backing paper from the bumper protector, exposing some of the adhesive. Connect the bumper guard, making sure the tag is still visible. Don’t touch the sticky part of the protector during application. Instead, hold onto the edge or an area where the paper backing is still attached. Before pressing the guard in, mark the bumpers with a pencil or crayon. If you want your bumper protector to look professional, cut the ends at an angle using the edge of the wheel as a guide. Never use scissors because they will create jagged edges.

Some installations will require you to remove the film from the protectors. Start at the exposed section of protector and work your way out. Slowly and firmly press the protector for 1 minute. The pressure will allow the adhesive to set properly. When the bumper protector is anchored, remove the paper backing a foot at a time while maintaining a straight line. Make sure the bumper protector is tight, or bubbling will occur, which will weaken the adhesive’s grip to the car. You might want a friend to help you with this part. When the bumper protector is in place, press down and hold all sections in place for a minute. You may want to hold the outer edges for longer than a minute, so they will adhere better.

For more information about rear bumper protectors and other vehicle accessories, contact Sportwing or visit their website today.